The Trusted directories were set up based upon the principals of good business, and the foundation of good business is integrity. Simply put, if you don't care about your customers needs as a business then you will never be Trusted. When Sara the Trusted founder came up with the ' Trusted directories concept ' she wanted to have clear, simple guildlines or ' guarantees' laid out for all to see , and she knew it was important for the Trusted partners to sign contracts to uphold those guarantees (and for the partners to be held to them by Trusted).
It only works if the partners take their responsibilities seriously, and it is important that they tell people they are Trusted and what it means!
Recently Emerald Park Homes a Trusted Regina home builder contacted Sara to see if she would be willing to be featured in an article in the Regina and Region Home builders association's popular and well distributed You're Home Magazine. We were thrilled to be invites and we think the article turned out just great .....and it is clear that Lorena and Gary Sawchyn the wonderful owners of Emerald Park Homes understand the old proverb
Enjoy the article here:
TrustedRegina com and EPH in Your Home Magazine Fall 2013 (3).pdf (246.99 kb)